Blackjack game known as 21 is very popular in Indonesia, not only in Indonesia but in the world. Especially for fans of Blackjack Mania you will know exactly where they come from and how to play them. Most players are the most famous in the world born of Blackjack games like Edward O. Thorp, MIT Blackjack (although the plot is summed up by the agent), and Ida Summers. The game also features many strategies and tips that can help players overcome difficulties in blackjack games. For starters, these tips will help you, but for those new to Blackjack, these tips can add a glimpse of the future. Here are some tips on how to play blackjack I came here, including:
A. Blackjack Tip # 1: When starting a “Hit” action
You can use the following rules to determine when the time is right for “Hit”, depending on the number of cards in your hand and the dealer’s hand.
1. If the up card is a reseller 7, 8, 9, 10 or ace in your hand and you have a total of 8, 12 or 16 then select “Hit”.
2. If the dealer’s card is an Ace and you have a total of 11, do not select the action “Double” but select “Hit”.
3. If 10 is in your hands and the dealer’s hand has a total of 10, do not select the action “Double” but select “Hit”.
4. If the card up is a dealer of 7, 8, 9 and you have a total of 9, do not select the action “Double” but select “Hit”.
B. Blackjack Tip # 2: When starting the “Stand” action
You can use the following rules to determine the best time “Stand,” based on the number of cards in your hand and the dealer’s hand.
1. What happens when the cards in your hand are 17 or more, then select “Support”. (Some strategies will tell you to choose a “hit” when your card is 17 and if the dealer has an Ace).
2. If 6 or less of the card is the dealer, and the number of cards in your hand is 13 or more, then select “Support”.
3. If you have a pair of splitable card 10 or face card, do not select the action “Split” but select “Stand”.
C. Blackjack Tip 3: When you start the action “Split”
You can use the following rules to determine when “Split” is the appropriate time, depending on the partner card in your hand and the dealer’s hand.
1. when you have a map of Split 2s and 3s when the dealer’s card 4-7
2. Do not “Split” when you have 5 seconds of cards, especially in the position of Double Down, or select “Hit” if the dealer shows a 10 or Ace card.
3. Perform “Split” when you have 6s and 7s cards if the dealer is 6 or less cards.
4. No matter what happens, always choose the action “Split” if the card is in the hands of 8s.
5. Always choose the “Split” action if the Ace card is authorized.
D. Blackjack Tip # 4: When starting the action “Double”
“Double” action is a common strategy used when players have the same card in hand, such as 9, 10 and 11, giving the player a chance to hit 19-20 with 10 cards or a face card. You can use the following rules to determine when the “Double” is the right time, based on the number of cards in hand and your card agent.
1. Always select the “Double” with 10 cards have no value unless the dealer has a 10 or an Ace card.
2. Always select the “Double” with 11 cards have no value unless the Ace card broker.
3. Always select “Double” when you have the value card 9 when the dealer 3, 4, 5 or 6 cards.
E. Blackjack Tip # 5: In “Doubt” use Blackjack Strategy Outline
Blackjack Strategy Outline is designed for the player what to do in every situation. However, there are players who do not like Blackjack Strategy Outline because they have eliminated the element of decision-making, but consider this, the casino is superior and the dealer can not make decisions in the game. in fact, the retailer must follow strict rules in terms of probability play. If players use this strategy, the odds of winning will be much more.
That’s all tips that we can give to you if you want to play the blackjack online